IProvideClassInfo::GetClassInfo  GPW6I3

Returns a pointer to the ITypeInfo interface for the object s type information. The type information for an object corresponds to the object s coclass entry in a type library.

HRESULT GetClassInfo(

    ITypeInfo** ppTI

//Indirect pointer to object s type information






[out] Indirect pointer to object s type information. The caller is responsible for calling ITypeInfo::Release on the returned pointer if this method returns successfully.


Return Values

This method supports the standard return values E_OUTOFMEMORY and E_UNEXPECTED, as well as the following:


The type information was successfully returned.


The address in ppTI is not valid. For example, it may be NULL.



Notes to Callers

The caller is responsible for calling ITypeInfo::Release when the returned interface pointer is no longer needed.

Notes to Implementers

This method must call ITypeInfo::AddRef before returning. If the object loads the type information from a type library, the type library itself will call AddRef in creating the pointer.

Because the caller cannot specify a locale identifier (LCID) when calling this method, this method must assume the neutral language, that is, LANGID_NEUTRAL, and use this value to determine what locale-specific type information to return.

This method must be implemented; E_NOTIMPL is not an acceptable return value.