
The IProfAdmin::GetProfileTable method provides access to the profile table, a table with information about all of the available profiles.

Quick Info

See IProfAdmin : IUnknownEHPDWT.


HRESULT GetProfileTable(

    ULONG ulFlags,


    LPMAPITABLE FAR * lppTable







[in] Bitmask of flags that controls the type of the strings returned in the table s columns. The following flag can be set:


The string columns are in Unicode format. If the MAPI_UNICODE flag is not set, the columns are in ANSI format.


[out] Pointer to the pointer to the profile table.


Return Values


The profile table was successfully retrieved.



The IProfAdmin::GetProfileTable method provides access to the profile table, a table with one row for every available profile. There are only two columns in each row: the profile s display name and a flag that indicates whether or not the profile is the default.

Profiles that have been deleted, or that are in use but have been marked for deletion, are not included in the profile table. The profile table is static; subsequent additions and deletions of profiles are not reflected in the table.

If no profiles exist, GetProfileTable returns a table with zero rows.

Setting the MAPI_UNICODE flag in the ulFlags parameter affects the format of the columns returned from the following IMAPITable methods:




This flag also controls the property types in the sort order returned by the IMAPITable::QuerySortOrderEWDPDZ method.

For more information about the profile table, see Profile Table0476WO.


See Also

IMAPITable : IUnknown, MAPILogonEx