
The IPersistMessage::SaveCompleted method returns a message to a form after a save, submission, or other operation.

Quick Info

See IPersistMessage : IUnknown20QA6Y.


HRESULT SaveCompleted(

    LPMESSAGE pMessage







[in] Pointer to the message that was acted upon.


Return Values


The call succeeded and has returned the expected value or values.



Form viewers call the IPersistMessage::SaveCompleted method at the end of a save request or after the failure of a dismissive operation such as a save operation or deletion. SaveCompleted returns the saved message to the form in which it was composed. Note that there is no reason to suppose the IPersistMessage interface used is the same interface as held for the message at the beginning of the save or other operation. However, the interface is for the same message object.

For more information on saving storage objects, see the documentation on the IPersistStorage methods in the OLE Programmer s Reference.