IOleUILinkInfo::GetLastUpdate  11ZHE5L

Indicates when the object was last updated.

HRESULT GetLastUpdate(

    DWORD dwLink,

//Unique 32-bit link identifier

    FILETIME FAR * lpLastUpdate

//Pointer to the time object was last updated






[in] Container-defined unique 32-bit identifier for a single link. Containers can use the pointer to the link's container site for this value.


[out] Pointer to the time that the object was last updated.


Return Values

This method supports the standard return values E_FAIL, E_INVALIDARG, and E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following:


Successfully returned link information.


Insufficient access permissions.



Notes To Implementers

If the time that the object was last updated is known, copy it to lpLastUpdate. If it is not known, then leave lpLastUpdate unchanged and Unknown will be displayed in the link page.