IOleLink::UnbindSource  140VIWS

Deactivates the connection between a linked object and its link source.

HRESULT UnbindSource(void);

Return Value


The connection was deactivated.



You typically do not call IOleLink::UnbindSource directly. When it s necessary to deactivate the connection to the link source, your container typically calls IOleObject::Close or IUnknown::ReleaseDUW01A; the linked object s implementation of these methods calls IOleLink::UnbindSource. The linked object s IAdviseSink::OnCloseRFOKVA implementation also calls IOleLink::UnbindSource.

Notes on Provided Implementation

The linked object s implementation of IOleLink::UnbindSource does nothing if the link source is not currently bound. If the link source is bound, IOleLink::UnbindSource calls the link source s IOleObject::Unadvise and IDataObject::DUnadvise25VVBL implementations to delete the advisory connections to the link source. The IOleLink::UnbindSource method also calls the compound document s IOleClientSite::LockContainer implementation to unlock the containing compound document. This undoes the lock on the container and the advisory connections that were established in IOleLink::BindToSource. IOleLink::UnbindSource releases all the linked object s interface pointers to the link source.

See Also

IAdviseSink::OnClose, IDataObject::DUnadvise, IOleObject::Close, IOleObject::Unadvise, IOleLink::BindToSource