IOleItemContainer::IsRunning  8XL_0C0

Indicates whether the object identified by the specified name is running.

HRESULT IsRunning(

    LPOLESTR pszItem

//Pointer to string containing name of object






[in] Pointer to a zero-terminated wide character string (two bytes per character) containing the container s name for the object.


Return Values


The specified object is running.


The object is not running.


The parameter pszItem does not identify an object in this container.



The item moniker implementation of IMoniker::IsRunning1CR3B7K calls this method.

Notes to Implementers

Your implementation of IOleItemContainer::IsRunning should first determine whether pszItem identifies one of the container s objects. If it does not, your implementation should return MK_E_NOOBJECT. If the object is not loaded, your implementation should return S_FALSE. If it is loaded, your implementation can call the OleIsRunningY24ZCB function to determine whether it is running.

If pszItem names a pseudo-object, your implementation can simply return S_OK because a pseudo-object is running whenever its container is running.

See Also
