IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::InvalidateRect  VPL.MW

Enables an object to invalidate a specified rectangle of its in-place image on the screen.

HRESULT InvalidateRect(

    LPCRECT pRect,

//Rectangle to be invalidated

    BOOL fErase

//Indicates whether to erase the background






[in] Rectangle to invalidate, in client coordinates of the containing window. If this parameter is NULL, the object s full extent is invalidated.


[in] Specifies whether the background within the update region is to be erased when the region is updated. If this parameter is TRUE, the background is erased. If this parameter is FALSE, the background remains unchanged.


Return Values


The specified rectangle was successfully invalidated.



An object is only allowed to invalidate pixels contained in its own site rectangle. Any attempt to invalidate an area outside of that rectangle should result in a no-op.