IOleContainer::EnumObjects  1VBJD71

Enumerates objects in the current container.

HRESULT EnumObjects(

    DWORD grfFlags,

//Value specifying what is to be enumerated

    IEnumUnknown **ppenum

//Indirect pointer to enumerator object






[in] Value that specifies which objects in a container are to be enumerated, as defined in the enumeration OLECONTFCW45HP.


[out] When successful, indirect pointer to the IEnumUnknown12U47RP interface on the enumerator object. Each time a container receives a successful call to EnumObjects, it must increase the reference count on the pointer the method returns. It is the caller s responsibility to call IUnknown::ReleaseDUW01A when it is done with the pointer. If an error is returned, this parameter must be set to NULL.


Return Values

This method supports the standard return value E_FAIL, as well as the following:


Enumerator successfully returned.


Object enumeration not supported.



A container should implement EnumObjects to enable programmatic clients to find out what objects it holds. This method, however, is not called in standard linking scenarios.

See Also

IEnumUnknown, IOleItemContainer, OLECONTF