INotifyReplica::YouAreAReplica  IEI0A4

[Now Supported on Windows NT]

Notifies an object that it may be subject to subsequent reconciliation through the IReconilableObject::Reconcile member function.

An object may be notified that it is a replica more than once. Briefcase reconcilers are not required to implement this interface. Initiators are not required to call this interface if it is implemented. However, an object s implementation of IReconcilableObject::Reconcile1TQATWU may reasonably fail if that object has not previously been notified through INotifyReplica::YouAreAReplica that it may be subject to reconciliation.

Briefcase calls INotifyReplica1D9T0O8 when objects are added to it.

HRESULT INotifyReplica::YouAreAReplica(

    ULONG ulcOtherReplicas,


    IMoniker ** rgpmkOtherReplicas







Number of other replicas of the object. This parameter must not be zero.


Address of an array that contains the addresses of the monikers to use to access the other replicas.


Return Values

Returns the S_OK value if successful. Otherwise, the member function returns one of the following error values:


Unspecified error.


See Also
