
The IMAPIViewContext::SetAdviseSink method registers a form for notifications about changes to a view s status.

Quick Info

See IMAPIViewContext : IUnknownTR60NE.


HRESULT SetAdviseSink(








[in] Pointer to a form advise sink object.


Return Value


The call succeeded.



Form objects call the IMAPIViewContext::SetNotifySink method to register for notification about changes to which message is next or previous within a particular view context. When called with NULL in the pmvns parameter, SetNotifySink cancels a previous registration for notification.

Notes to Implementers

The client application s implementation of IMAPIViewContext::SetAdviseSink5K71M needs to add the form object s advise sink to the client application s advising mechanism. Typically this just means remembering the LPMAPIFORMADVISESINK pointer so that the client application can call the form object s IMAPIFormAdviseSink:IUnknown1PBDFMN methods as appropriate.

For more information about implementing the interfaces related to form servers, see MAPI Form Interfaces Used by Client Applications1AR39HN.