
The IMAPISupport::CopyMessages method copies or moves messages from one folder to another folder.

Quick Info

See IMAPISupport : IUnknownA6YDUA.

HRESULT CopyMessages(

    LPCIID lpSrcInterface,


    LPVOID lpSrcFolder,


    LPENTRYLIST lpMsgList,


    LPCIID lpDestInterface,


    LPVOID lpDestFolder,


    ULONG ulUIParam,


    LPMAPIPROGRESS lpProgress,


    ULONG ulFlags







[in] Pointer to the interface identifier (IID) representing the interface to be used to access the folder containing the messages to be copied or moved.


[in] Pointer to the folder containing the messages to be copied or moved.


[in] Pointer to an array of entry identifiers identifying the messages to be copied or moved.


[in] Pointer to the interface identifier (IID) representing the interface to be used to access the destination folder for the copied or moved messages.


[in] Pointer to the destination folder for the copied or moved messages. This folder must be open.


[in] Pointer to a progress object for displaying a progress indicator. If NULL is passed in lpProgress, the message store provider displays a progress indicator using MAPI s progress object implementation. The lpProgress parameter is ignored unless the MESSAGE_DIALOG flag is set in ulFlags.


[in] Pointer to a progress object for displaying a progress indicator. If NULL is passed in lpProgress, the message store provider displays a progress indicator using MAPI s progress object implementation. The lpProgress parameter is ignored unless the MESSAGE_DIALOG flag is set in ulFlags.


[in] Bitmask of flags that controls how the copy or move operation is accomplished. The following flags can be set:


Requests the display of a progress indicator.


The messages should be moved, rather than copied. If MESSAGE_MOVE is not set, the messages are copied.


Return Values


The copy or move operation was successful.


The user canceled the operation, typically by clicking the Cancel button in a dialog box.



The IMAPISupport::CopyMessages method is implemented for message store provider support objects. Message store providers can call CopyMessages in their implementation of IMAPIFolder::CopyMessages1VBW0QL to copy or move one or more messages from one folder to another. As part of the CopyMessages call, the message store provider can specify that MAPI display a user interface showing progress information.