
The IMAPIMessageSite::GetMessage method returns the current message.

Quick Info

See IMAPIMessageSite : IUnknown1XJJ0FL.


HRESULT GetMessage(

    LPMESSAGE FAR * ppmsg







[out] Pointer to a pointer to the returned interface for the message.


Return Values


The call succeeded and has returned the expected value or values.


No message currently exists for the calling form.



Forms call the IMAPIMessageSite::GetMessage method to obtain a message interface for the current message. The current message is the same message as was previously passed in the IPersistMessage::InitNew, IPersistMessage::Load, or IPersistMessage::SaveCompleted method.

GetMessage returns S_FALSE if no message currently exists. This state can occur after calls to the IPersistMessage::HandsOffMessage method or before the next call to IPersistMessage::Load or IPersistMessage::SaveCompleted is made.

For information about implementing the interfaces related to form servers, see MAPI Form Interfaces Used by Client Applications1AR39HN.

See Also

IPersistMessage : IUnknown