
The IMAPIFormAdviseSink::OnActivateNext method identifies whether the current form object can handle the message class of the next message to display.

Quick Info

See IMAPIFormAdviseSink : IUnknown1PBDFMN.


HRESULT OnActivateNext(

    LPCSTR lpszMessageClass,


    ULONG ulMessageStatus,


    ULONG ulMessageFlags,


    LPPERSISTMESSAGE FAR * ppPersistMessage







[in] Pointer to a string naming the message class of the next message.


[in] Bitmask of client-defined or provider-defined flags   copied from the PR_MSG_STATUSTLWKUE property of the next message to display   that provides information on the state of the message.


[in] Pointer to a bitmask of flags   copied from the PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS12X4D91 property of the next message to display   that indicates the current state of the message.


[out] Pointer to a pointer to the form object used for the new form, if a new form is required. A pointer to NULL can be returned if the current form object can be used to display the next message.


Return Values


The call succeeded and has returned the expected value or values.


The form does not handle the message class.



Form viewers call the IMAPIFormAdviseSink::OnActivateNext method to find out if the message class of a message can be handled by the current form object. The form object should return S_OK and NULL in the ppPersistMessage parameter if it can handle the message class. If it cannot, it should return S_FALSE.

If the form object can activate message classes other than the base class or the currently loaded class, it should return S_OK and a pointer to an implementation of the IPersistMessage interface the message class in the ppPersistMessage parameter. The message in question is then loaded by the form viewer using the IPersistMessage::Load10QIUGK method of that object.

See Also
