Sets the GDI
pen for the background rules or grid lines.
Not used;
must be 0.
Contains a handle
to a GDI pen used to draw the grid lines.
Return Value
IER_OK if successful; otherwise, returns IER_PARAMERR to indicate that wParam
or lParam is invalid.
Rules and
grids are painted after the background and before the ink (and the IN_PREPAINT
notification), and are treated separately from both. A GDI pen, if specified,
becomes the property of the ink edit control and must not be deleted or
otherwise used by the application. If the application needs to change the
settings, it must create a new pen each time it sends the IE_SETGRIDPEN
The default
setting is for no grid lines. The grid lines act purely as guides for the user;
the ink does not interact with the grid in any way. The specification of the
grid lines is in the MM_TEXT mapping mode (that is, display pixel). If the GDI
pen handle is NULL, the ink edit control will use a default pen. (The default
pen attributes are a solid line, a width of 1 pixel, and the window grayed text
color.) The maximum grid spacing is 255 pixels.
See Also