ICInstall  TEZBCP 

The ICInstall function installs a new compressor or decompressor.

BOOL ICInstall(

    DWORD fccType,


    DWORD fccHandler,


    LPARAM lParam,


    LPSTR szDesc,


    UINT wFlags







Four-character code indicating the type of data used by the compressor or decompressor. Specify  VIDC  for a video compressor or decompressor.


Four-character code identifying a specific compressor or decompressor.


Address of a null-terminated string containing the name of the compressor or decompressor, or the address of a function used for compression or decompression. The contents of this parameter are defined by the flags set for wFlags.


Reserved; do not use.


Flags defining the contents of lParam. The following values are defined:


The lParam parameter contains the address of a
null-terminated string that names the compressor to install.


The lParam parameter contains the address of a compressor function. This function should be structured like the DriverProcJIGHER entry point function used by compressors.


Return Values

Returns ICERR_OK if successful or an error otherwise.


Applications must open an installed compressor or decompressor before using it.

If your application installs a function as a compressor or decompressor, it should remove the function with the ICRemove17.KFUY function before it terminates. This prevents other applications from trying to access the function when it is not available.

See Also

DriverProc, ICRemove