IAdviseSink::OnDataChange  1IR883

Called by the server to notify a data object s currently registered advise sinks that data in the object has changed.

void OnDataChange(

    FORMATETC * pFormatetc,

//Pointer to format information

    STGMEDIUM * pStgmed

//Pointer to storage medium






[in] Pointer to the FORMATETC8CSQ18 structure, which describes the format, target device, rendering, and storage information of the calling data object.


[in] Pointer to the STGMEDIUM0NJIOV structure, which defines the storage medium (global memory, disk file, storage object, stream object, GDI object, or undefined) and ownership of that medium for the calling data object.



Object handlers and containers of link objects implement IAdviseSink::OnDataChange to take appropriate steps when notified that data in the object has changed. They also must call IDataObject::DAdvise38JBOZP to set up advisory connections with the objects in whose data they are interested. (See IDataObject::DAdvise for more information on how to specify an advisory connection for data objects.)

Containers that take advantage of OLE s caching support do not need to register for data-change notifications, because the information necessary to update the container s presentation of the object, including any changes in its data, are maintained in the object s cache.

Notes to Implementers

If you implement IAdviseSink::OnDataChange for a container, remember that this method is asynchronous and that making synchronous calls within asynchronous methods is not valid. Therefore, you cannot call IDataObject::GetData81EL5_ to obtain the data you need to update your object. Instead, you either post an internal message, or invalidate the rectangle for the changed data by calling InvalidateRect and waiting for a WM_PAINT message, at which point you are free to get the data and update the object.

The data itself, which is valid only for the duration of the call, is passed using the storage medium pointed to by pmedium. Since the caller owns the medium, the advise sink should not free it. Also, if pmedium points to an IStorageFS1VT1 or IStream8MD3QE interface, the sink must not increment the reference count.

See Also
