
The IAddrBook::Details method displays a modal dialog box showing details about a particular address book entry.

Quick Info

See IAddrBook : IMAPIPropG38_SD.


HRESULT Details(

    ULONG FAR * lpulUIParam,


    LPFNDISMISS lpfnDismiss,


    LPVOID lpvDismissContext,


    ULONG cbEntryID,


    LPENTRYID lpEntryID,


    LPFNBUTTON lpfButtonCallback,


    LPVOID lpvButtonContext,


    LPTSTR lpszButtonText,


    ULONG ulFlags







[out] Handle of the parent window for the dialog box.


[in] Pointer to a function based on the DISMISSMODELESS_1EOI8 function prototype. This function is called when the modeless variety of the details dialog box is dismissed. This parameter is ignored at present because MAPI does not support a modeless details dialog box.


[in] Data that is passed to the function specified by the lpfnDismiss parameter. This parameter is currently ignored.


[in] Count of bytes in the entry identifier pointed to by the lpEntryID parameter.


[in] Pointer to the entry identifier for the entry for which details are displayed.


[in] Pointer to a function based on the LPFNBUTTOND7S2Y6 function prototype. An LPFNBUTTON function adds a button to the details dialog box.


[in] Pointer to data used as a parameter for the function specified by the lpfButtonCallback parameter.


[in] Pointer to a string containing text to be applied to the added button if that button is extensible. The lpszButtonText parameter should be NULL if an extensible button is not needed.


[in] Bitmask of flags that controls the type of the text for the lpszButtonText parameter. The following flag can be set:


The passed-in strings are in Unicode format. If the MAPI_UNICODE flag is not set, the strings are in ANSI format.


Return Values


The details dialog box was successfully displayed for the address book entry.



Client applications call the IAddrBook::Details method to display a modal dialog box giving details on a particular entry in the address book. The lpfButtonCallback, lpvButtonContext, and lpButtonText parameters can be used to add a button the client has defined to the dialog box. When the button is chosen, MAPI calls the callback function pointed to by lpfButtonCallback, passing both the entry identifier of the button and the data in lpvButtonContext. If an extensible button is not needed, lpszButtonText should be NULL.

Details supports Unicode character strings for Windows NT platforms only. The Unicode strings are converted to the multi-byte character string (MBCS) format before they are displayed in the details dialog box.

See Also

IAddrBook::Address, LPFNBUTTON