
The IABLogon::Unadvise method cancels the sending of notifications previously set up with a call to the IABLogon::Advise method.

Quick Info

See IABLogon : IUnknownF5._BF.


HRESULT Unadvise(

    ULONG ulConnection







[in] Connection number associated with an active notification registration. The value of ulConnection must have been returned by a previous call to IABLogon::AdviseZ0JCP2.


Return Value


The notification registration was successfully canceled.



MAPI calls the IABLogon::Unadvise method to cancel a notification registration for a container, messaging user, or distribution list object.

Notes to Implementers

Your implementation of Unadvise will depend on whether you support notification with MAPI s help or manually. If MAPI provides your support, call IMAPISupport::Unsubscribe to cancel the registration. If you support notifications manually, call the IUnknown::Release method of the advise sink object passed in the lpAdviseSink parameter in Advise. Calling Release decrements the advise sink s reference count, allowing it to be freed when the count reaches zero. The call to Release can occur during the Unadvise method or, if another thread is in the process of calling the advise sink s IMAPIAdviseSink::OnNotify5WYI5X method, it can be delayed until OnNotify has returned.

For more information on the notification process, see Event Notification in MAPIE.8REW. For information about using the IMAPISupport methods to support notification, see Using A Support Object for Event Notification2VRG_X4.

See Also

IABLogon::Advise, IMAPIAdviseSink::OnNotify