GetRegionData  3OZKRV 

The GetRegionData function fills the specified buffer with data describing a region. This data includes the dimensions of the rectangles that make up the region.

DWORD GetRegionData(

    HRGN hRgn,

// handle of region

    DWORD dwCount,

// size of buffer containing region data

    LPRGNDATA lpRgnData

// address of buffer containing region data 






Identifies the region.


Specifies the size, in bytes, of the lpRgnData buffer.


Points to a RGNDATAQ7BFWM structure that receives the information. If this parameter is NULL, the return value contains the number of bytes needed for the region data.


Return Values

If the function succeeds and dwCount specifies an adequate number of bytes, the return value is 1. If dwCount is too small or lpRgnData is NULL, the return value is the required number of bytes.

If the function fails, the return value is zero.


The GetRegionData function is used in conjunction with the ExtCreateRegion function.

See Also

ExtCreateRegion, RGNDATA