GetMessageTime  ISR_2R 

The GetMessageTime function returns the message time for the last message retrieved by the GetMessageIXKDTP function from the current thread s message queue. The time is a long integer that specifies the elapsed time, in milliseconds, from the time the system was started to the time the message was created (that is, placed in the thread s message queue).

LONG GetMessageTime(VOID)


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

The return value specifies the message time.


The return value from the GetMessageTime function does not necessarily increase between subsequent messages, because the value wraps to zero if the timer count exceeds the maximum value for a long integer.

To calculate time delays between messages, verify that the time of the second message is greater than the time of the first message; then, subtract the time of the first message from the time of the second message.

See Also

GetMessage, GetMessagePos