Finding Text

{bmc bm4.MRB}        To find a character, word, or group of characters in the active source window

  1.  Position the insertion point where you want to start the search.

  2.  From the Edit menu, choose Find. The Find dialog box appears.

  3.  In the Find What box, type the text you want to find, or choose from the 16 previous instances of text searched for, which are listed in the drop-down box.

  4.  Choose any of the Find options, as described below.

  5.  Choose OK.


When you choose the Find command, the editor uses the location of the insertion point to select a default search string. If the insertion point is inside a word, that word is displayed as the search text in the Find What box.

If the insertion point is between words, the word to the right is displayed. If there is no word to the right, the word to the left is displayed. If that is not possible, nothing is displayed.

The Find dialog box has these choices for locating text:



Match Whole Word Only

Searches for complete occurrences of the text. A word contains only the characters a - z and A - Z, the numbers 0 - 9, and the # or _ (underscore) characters. If you don t select this option, the editor finds embedded occurrences; for example,  main  in  remainder .

Match Case

Searches for text that matches the capitalization of the search text.

Regular Expression

Finds text using patterns. See the WinDbg help file for details on regular expressions.


The Up option searches from the insertion point to the beginning of the file. The Down option searches from the insertion point to the end of the file.

Tag All

Searches for text and marks each line that contains the text. Use the Tag commands from the View menu to move to each marked line.


If the text is located, the source window scrolls to the text and highlights it. Choose Find Next from the abbreviated Find dialog box to move to the next occurrence of the text.