EnumEnhMetaFile  B8784M 

The EnumEnhMetaFile function enumerates the records within an enhanced-format metafile by retrieving each record and passing it to the specified callback function. The application-supplied callback function processes each record as required. The enumeration continues until the last record is processed or when the callback function returns zero.

BOOL EnumEnhMetaFile(

    HDC hdc,

// handle to device context


// handle to enhanced metafile

    ENHMFENUMPROC lpEnhMetaFunc,

// pointer to callback function

    LPVOID lpData,

// pointer to callback-function data

    CONST RECT *lpRect

// pointer to bounding rectangle






Identifies a device context. This handle is passed to the callback function.


Identifies an enhanced metafile.


Points to the application-supplied callback function. For more information, see the EnhMetaFileProc.2Z0GD function.


Points to optional callback-function data.


Points to a RECTEZENA2 structure that specifies the coordinates of the picture s upper-left and lower-right corners. The dimensions of this rectangle are specified in logical units.


Return Values

If the callback function successfully enumerates all the records in the enhanced metafile, the return value is nonzero.

If the callback function does not successfully enumerate all the records in the enhanced metafile, the return value is zero.


Points along the edge of the rectangle pointed to by the lpRect parameter are included in the picture. If the hdc parameter is NULL, Windows ignores lpRect.

If the callback function calls the PlayEnhMetaFileRecord function, hdc must identify a valid device context. Windows uses the device context s transformation and mapping mode to transform the picture displayed by the PlayEnhMetaFileRecord function. 

You can use the EnumEnhMetaFile function to embed one enhanced-metafile within another.

See Also

EnhMetaFileProc, PlayEnhMetaFile, PlayEnhMetaFileRecord, RECT