You can
create a stream that you can edit by using the CreateEditableStreamL_MQ3U function. This function
initializes the environment for editing a stream. This includes creating an
interface to the new stream, and internal edit tables that track changes made
to the stream. CreateEditableStream returns a stream pointer to an
editable stream that is required by other stream-editing functions. The
editable stream pointer can also be used by other AVIFile functions that accept
stream pointers.
You can cut
one or more samples from an editable stream by using the EditStreamCut32IRAX4 function. To remove
samples from the editable stream, this function adds an entry to the edit
table. The function then places a copy of the cut samples in a new temporary
stream whose interface pointer is returned in a variable.
You can copy
one or more samples from an editable stream into a temporary stream by using
the EditStreamCopyD6IT56
function. EditStreamCopy places copies of the samples in a new temporary
stream whose interface pointer is returned in a variable.
You can copy
one or more samples from a stream and paste them into an editable stream by
using the EditStreamPaste15TNDS3
function. To insert the samples at the specified position, this function adds
an entry in the edit table of the target editable stream.
You can
duplicate an editable stream by using the EditStreamClone58TK_X_ function. This function
returns a pointer to the stream interface of the new stream. You can copy these
streams to the clipboard or use them to maintain a trail of edits made to a
You can
change several of the characteristics of an editable stream by using the EditStreamSetInfoXKJ6.4 function. This function
updates the priority setting, language, scale and rate, starting time, quality
setting, destination rectangle dimensions and coordinates, and the textual
description of the stream. These items are stored in the AVISTREAMINFOEW_M7X structure associated with
the editable stream.
You can also
change the textual description of an editable stream by using the EditStreamSetNameXKNTBU function. This function
updates the szName member of the AVISTREAMINFO structure
associated with the editable stream.
The editing
functions work on streams. You need to cut and paste each stream individually,
and then use the AVIMakeFileFromStreams3.8VUVR function to create a new file pointer.
Note The edit
tables in an editable stream maintain all the changes for a stream. The source
stream is never changed.