EditStreamCut  XIOXZM 

The EditStreamCut function deletes all or part of an editable stream and creates a temporary editable stream from the deleted portion of the stream.

STDAPI EditStreamCut(

    PAVISTREAM pavi,


    LONG * plStart,


    LONG * plLength,


    PAVISTREAM * ppResult







Handle of the stream being edited.


Starting position of the data to cut from the stream referenced by pavi.


Amount of data to cut from the stream referenced by pavi.


Address of the handle created for the new stream.


Return Values

Returns zero if successful or an error otherwise.


The stream being edited must have been created by the CreateEditableStream function or one of the stream editing functions.

The temporary stream is an editable stream and can be treated as any other AVI stream. An application must release the temporary stream to free the resources associated with it.

See Also
