1.0 2.0
system access to the configuration settings of a recognizer. In version 2.0 of
the Pen API, only the pen system can call ConfigRecognizer. Applications
must call ConfigHREC
A recognizer
must export ConfigRecognizer. The information in this entry is for
recognizer developers only, not application developers.
UINT ConfigRecognizer( UINT uSubFunction,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
subfunction identifier. See ConfigHREC for descriptions of the WCR_
subfunctions that ConfigRecognizer must support. In addition, ConfigRecognizer
must support the following two WCR_ subfunctions:
When an
application installs a recognizer by using InstallRecognizer
In response to the WCR_INITRECOGNIZER subfunction, the recognizer
should perform any required initialization tasks. (This subfunction replaces
the InitRecognizer function exported by version 1.0 recognizers.)
When an
application unloads a recognizer by using UninstallRecognizer
In response to the WCR_CLOSERECOGNIZER subfunction, the recognizer
should perform any required cleanup tasks. (This subfunction replaces the CloseRecognizer
function exported by version 1.0 recognizers.)
Depends on
the value of uSubFunction.
A value, or
an address of a buffer. The contents of the buffer depend on the value of uSubFunction.
Return Value
Returns 0 or
a positive value, depending on uSubFunction.
ConfigRecognizer provides initialization and query services for the
pen system. The parameter uSubFunction is a WCR_ value that specifies
the configuration service that ConfigRecognizer must perform.
When an
application calls ConfigHREC
See Also