Called by a
server that can register multiple class objects to inform the OLE SCM about all
registered classes, and permits activation requests for those class objects.
WINOLEAPI CoResumeClassObjects(void);
Return Values
The CLSID was
retrieved successfully.
Servers that
can register multiple class objects call CoResumeClassObjects once,
after having first called CoRegisterClassObject
This reduces
the overall registration time, and thus the server application startup time, by
making a single call to the SCM, no matter how many CLSIDs are registered for
the server. Another advantage is that if the server has multiple apartments
with different CLSIDs registered in different apartments, or is a free-threaded
server, no activation requests will come
in until the server calls CoResumeClassObjects. This gives the server a
chance to register all of its CLSIDs and get properly set up before having to
deal with activation requests, and possibly shutdown requests.
See Also