CoMarshalHresult  YM5KZN

Marshals an HRESULT to the specified stream, from which it can be unmarshaled using the CoUnmarshalHresult0QRO0C function.

STDAPI CoMarshalHresult(

    IStream * pStm,

//Pointer to the marshaling stream

    HRESULT hresult

//HRESULT to be marshaled






[in] Pointer to the marshaling stream.


[in] HRESULT in the originating process.


Return Values

This function supports the standard return values E_OUTOFMEMORY and E_UNEXPECTED, as well as the following:


The HRESULT was marshaled successfully.


Bad pointer passed in for pStm.


The medium is full.



An HRESULT is process-specific, so an HRESULT that is valid in one process might not be valid in another. If you are writing your own implementation of IMarshal8SHYIG and need to marshal an HRESULT from one process to another, either as a parameter or a return code, you must call this function. In other circumstances, you will have no need to call this function.

This function perfoms the following tasks:

  1.  Writes an HRESULT to a stream.

  2.  Returns an IStream8MD3QE pointer to that stream.


See Also

CoUnmarshalHresult, IStream