The capture
rate is the number of frames that are captured each second of a capture session.
You can retrieve the current capture rate by using the WM_CAP_GET_SEQUENCE_SETUP1GNHJI message (or the capCaptureGetSetup1A5QZ0N macro). The current
capture rate is stored in the dwRequestMicroSecPerFrame member of the CAPTUREPARMSRYJ.8W structure. You can set the
capture rate by specifying the number of microseconds between successive frames
as the value of this member, then sending the updated CAPTUREPARMS
structure to the capture window by using the WM_CAP_SET_SEQUENCE_SETUPYGBQ.R message (or the capCaptureSetSetup115V26W macro). The default value
of dwRequestMicroSecPerFrame is 66667, which corresponds to 15 frames
per second.