[New - Windows NT]

The CDN_SHAREVIOLATION notification message is sent by an Explorer-style Open or Save As common dialog box when the user clicks the OK button and a network sharing violation occurs for the selected file. Your OFNHookProcF31P7D hook procedure receives this message in the form of a WM_NOTIFY1MZT7BR message.


lpon = (LPOFNOTIFY) lParam;




Pointer to an OFNOTIFY11HC3QL structure. The pszFile member of this structure points to the name of the file that had the sharing violation.

The OFNOTIFY structure contains an NMHDR99J.0 structure whose code member indicates the CDN_SHAREVIOLATION notification code.


Return Values

The return value indicates how the dialog box should handle the sharing violation.

If the hook procedure returns zero, the dialog box displays the standard warning message for a sharing violation.

To prevent the display of the standard warning message, return a nonzero value from the hook procedure and call the SetWindowLong function to set one of the following DWL_MSGRESULT values:


Causes the dialog box to return the filename without warning the user about the sharing violation.


Causes the dialog box to reject the filename without warning the user about the sharing violation.



The system sends this notification only if the dialog box was created using the OFN_EXPLORER value.

The system sends this notification only if the the OFN_SHAREAWARE value was not specified when the dialog box was created.

See Also

GetOpenFileName, GetSaveFileName, NMHDR, OFNHookProc, OFNOTIFY, OPENFILENAME, SetWindowLong, WM_NOTIFY