1.0 2.0
Locks a pen
data block in memory in preparation for enumerating strokes.
Note This function
is provided only for compatibility with version 1.0 of the Pen API, and will
not be supported in future versions.
LPPENDATA BeginEnumStrokes( HPENDATA hpendata
Handle to an HPENDATA
Return Value
Returns a
pointer to the locked pen data if successful. Returns NULL if hpendata
is compressed or if the handle cannot be locked.
BeginEnumStrokes calls the GlobalLock1751DWR function internally, returning a far
pointer to the memory block in the global heap. This serves to lock the data in
preparation for direct reading or calling GetPenDataStroke . The return value from BeginEnumStrokes
is used as an argument for GetPenDataStroke. After calling BeginEnumStrokes
to lock data, an application must unlock the data when finished by calling EndEnumStrokes .
application should never modify data directly within an HPENDATA block.
Doing so can invalidate other information in the block. To modify an HPENDATA
block, use one of the Pen API functions listed in Chapter 4, The Inking
See Also