ArrangeIconicWindows  IOXOR. 

The ArrangeIconicWindows function arranges all the minimized (iconic) child windows of the specified parent window.

UINT ArrangeIconicWindows(

    HWND hWnd

// handle to parent window






Identifies the parent window.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is the height of one row of icons.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError11C2VS7.


An application that maintains its own minimized child windows can use the ArrangeIconicWindows function to arrange icons in a parent window. This function can also arrange icons on the desktop. To retrieve the window handle to the desktop window, use the GetDesktopWindow function.

An application sends the WM_MDIICONARRANGEC_B58H message to the multiple document interface (MDI) client window to prompt the client window to arrange its minimized MDI child windows.

See Also

CloseWindow, GetDesktopWindow