?? Be sure to check out the NuGet pacakge: https://www.nuget.org/packages/NTDLS.SqliteDapperWrapper
Provides a simple interface to a Sqlite database and allows for more advanced options such as executing
embedded scripts, passing parameters, parring complext multi-value parameters, attaching databases for
inner-database joins, etc. All managed and wrapped in Dapper (hence the name).
public static ManagedDataStorageFactory MyConnection { get; set; } = new("Data Source=.\\databaseFile.db");
public static ManagedDataStorageFactory MyOtherDatabase { get; set; } = new("Data Source=.\\otherDatabase.db");
//Each time a statement/query is executed, the NTDLS.SqliteDapperWrapper will
// open a connection, execute then close & dispose the connection.
MyConnection.Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Test");
MyOtherDatabase.Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Test");
//Creates a table in two different databases from a script that is an embedded resource in the project.
//Deletes the data from the table "Test".
MyConnection.Execute("DELETE FROM Test");
MyOtherDatabase.Execute("DELETE FROM Test");
//Insert some records using an inline statement and parameters.
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
var param = new
Name = $"Name #{i}",
Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
MyConnection.Execute("INSERT INTO Test (Name, Description) VALUES (@Name, @Description)", param);
//We can use "Ephemeral" to perform multiple steps on the same connection, such as here where we
// begin a transaction, insert data and then optionally commit or rollback the transaction.
// The connection is closed and disposed after Ephemeral() executes.
MyConnection.Ephemeral(o =>
using var tx = o.BeginTransaction();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
var param = new
Name = $"Name #{i}",
Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
o.Execute("INSERT INTO Test (Name, Description) VALUES (@Name, @Description)", param);
MyConnection.Ephemeral(o =>
List<int> ids = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80];
//By calling CreateTempTableFrom, we can create a temp table with the given name that
// contains the given values. This allows us to pass ranges of values to a script.
// The temp table is automatically dropped them the variable is disposed.
using var id_temp = o.CreateTempTableFrom("id_temp", ids);
//Here we are going to get the values with the id of 10, 20, 30, etc.
var results = o.Query<TestModel>("SELECT * FROM Test INNER JOIN id_temp ON id_temp.Value = Test.Id");
//Print the results.
foreach (var result in results)
Console.WriteLine($"{result.Id} {result.Name} {result.Description}");
//Make some dummy records so we can pass them as a temp table.
var values = new List<TestParamModel>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
values.Add(new TestParamModel
Name = $"Name #{i}",
Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
//Insert some data into the "Other Database".
MyOtherDatabase.Ephemeral(o =>
//By calling CreateTempTableFrom, we can create a temp table with the given name that
// contains the given values from a list of anonymous or well defined objects.
// This allows us to pass ranges of values to a script. The temp table is automatically
// dropped them the variable is disposed.
using var temp_values = o.CreateTempTableFrom("temp_values", values);
//Here we are going to insert the data from the temp table called "temp_values".
o.Execute("INSERT INTO Test (Name, Description) SELECT Name, Description FROM temp_values");
MyConnection.Ephemeral(o =>
//We can "attach" another database and access data from it like they are both attached.
//The database is automatically "unattached" when the variable is disposed.
using var otherDatabase = o.Attach("otherDatabase.db", "MyOtherDatabase");
//Here we are going join to another database and select some values.
var results = o.Query<JoinedModel>
("SELECT A.Id, a.Name as NameA, b.Name as NameB FROM Test as A INNER JOIN MyOtherDatabase.Test as B ON A.Id = B.Id");
//Print the results.
foreach (var result in results)
Console.WriteLine($"{result.Id} {result.NameA} {result.NameB}");