
[vararg [, optional-attributes]] return-type function-name([optional-param-attributes] param-list, SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) last-param-name)


Specifies zero or more attributes to be applied to the function. Separate multiple attributes with commas.


Specifies zero or more attributes to be applied to the function parameter immediately following the attribute listing.


Specifies all the parameters, save the final, varying, parameters.



[vararg] boolean Button([in]SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) psa);



The vararg attribute specifies that the function takes a variable number of arguments. To accomplish this, the last argument must be a safe array of VARIANT type that contains all the remaining arguments.

You cannot apply the optional or defaultvalue attributes to any parameters in a function that has the vararg attribute.

See Also

ODL File Syntax, ODL File Example, Generating a Type Library With MIDL, Differences Between MIDL and MKTYPLIB