step  1DQ3FJP 

The step command steps the play one or more frames forward or reverse. The default action is to step forward one frame. Digital-video, VCR, and CAV-format videodisc devices recognize this command.

wsprintf(lpstrCommand, "step %s %s %s", lpszDeviceID, lpszStepFlags,




Identifier of an MCI device. This identifier or alias is assigned when the device is opened.


One or both of the following flags:

by frames

Indicates the number of frames to step. If you specify a negative frames value, you cannot specify the  reverse  flag.


Step the frames in reverse.



Can be  wait ,  notify , or both. For digital-video and VCR devices,  test  can also be specified. For more information about these flags, see The Wait, Notify, and Test Flags4FW.04J.


Return Values

Returns zero if successful or an error otherwise.