midiOutGetDevCaps  0J44B4 

The midiOutGetDevCaps function queries a specified MIDI output device to determine its capabilities.

MMRESULT midiOutGetDevCaps(

    UINT uDeviceID,


    LPMIDIOUTCAPS lpMidiOutCaps,


    UINT cbMidiOutCaps







Identifier of the MIDI output device. The device identifier specified by this parameter varies from zero to one less than the number of devices present. The MIDI_MAPPER constant is also a valid device identifier.

This parameter can also be a properly cast device handle.


Address of a MIDIOUTCAPS425._HG structure. This structure is filled with information about the capabilities of the device.


Size, in bytes, of the MIDIOUTCAPS structure. Only cbMidiOutCaps bytes (or less) of information is copied to the location pointed to by lpMidiOutCaps. If cbMidiOutCaps is zero, nothing is copied, and the function returns MMSYSERR_NOERROR.


Return Values

Returns MMSYSERR_NOERROR if successful or an error otherwise. Possible error values include the following:


The specified device identifier is out of range.


The specified pointer or structure is invalid.


The driver is not installed.


The system is unable to load mapper string description.



To determine the number of MIDI output devices present in the system, use the midiOutGetNumDevs function.

See Also

MIDIOUTCAPS, midiOutGetNumDevs