
 [uuid, entry(entry-id)[, optional-attribute-list]]
module modulename


[dllname("MyAppsFirst.dll")] module MyModule


    [entry(20), bindable, requestedit, propputref, defaultbind]

        void Func1([in]IUnknown * Param1, [out] MyType * Param2);

    [entry("TwentyOne"), hidden, vararg]

         SAFEARRAY (int) Func2 ([in, out] SAFEARRAY (variant) *varP) ;

    [entry(22)] Float Func3 ([in] lpstr pName, [in] double dLevel,
                           [out] short * sByte) ;

    } ;



The entry attribute specifies an exported function or constant in a module by identifying the entry point in the DLL. If entryid is a string, this is a named entry point. If entryid is a number, the entry point is defined by an ordinal. This attribute provides a way to obtain the address of a function in a module.

See Also

dllname, module, ODL File Syntax, ODL File Example, Generating a Type Library With MIDL