The WM_PSD_ENVSTAMPRECT message notifies the hook procedure of a Page Setup dialog box that the dialog box is about to draw the envelope-stamp rectangle of the sample page.


hDC = (WPARAM) (HDC) wParam;             // handle of the device context

lprcEnvStamp = (LPARAM) (LPRECT) lParam; // envelope-stamp rectangle




Value of wParam. Identifies the device context for the sample page.


Value of lParam. Pointer to a RECTEZENA2 structure that contains the coordinates, in pixels, of the envelope-stamp rectangle.


Return Values

If the hook procedure returns TRUE, the dialog box does not draw the envelope-stamp portion of the sample page.

If the hook procedure returns FALSE, the dialog box draws the envelope-stamp portion of the sample page.


The Page Setup dialog box includes an image of a sample page that shows how the user s selections affect the appearance of the printed output. When you call the PageSetupDlg function, you can provide a PagePaintHook hook procedure to customize the appearance of the sample page. Whenever the dialog box is about to draw the contents of the sample page, the dialog box sends a sequence of WM_PSD* messages to the hook procedure.

A hook procedure receives this message only if the selected paper type is an envelope.

See Also

PagePaintHook, PageSetupDlg, RECT, WM_PSD_PAGESETUPDLG