VCM Services

In general, an application uses VCM to perform the following tasks:

    Locate, open, or install a compressor or decompressor.

    Configure or obtain configuration information about the compressor or decompressor.

    Use a series of functions to compress, decompress, or draw the data.


The functions and macros of the DrawDib library perform these tasks implicitly and might provide the most convenient way to use VCM. For more information about the DrawDib library, see DrawDib1.HJZA0.

The following sections describe tasks you can perform by using VCM:

    Compressor and decompressor basics11RZHXE

    User-selected compressorsXQL7D7

    Compressor and decompressor installation and removalJ2WND.

    Compressor and decompressor configuration139DZEN

    Getting information about compressors and decompressors1RPRCGF

    Single-image compressionX1_T9O

    Sequence compression9S_ANY

    Image-data compression59L.UY

    Single-image decompression3ZMF_B

    Image-data decompression2XMN_VK

    Monitoring the progress of compressors and decompressors4Y4__LU

    Hardware drawing capabilitiesPINOL_