TabbedTextOut  .VJW.3 

The TabbedTextOut function writes a character string at a specified location, expanding tabs to the values specified in an array of tab-stop positions. Text is written in the currently selected font.

LONG TabbedTextOut(

    HDC hDC,

// handle of device context

    int X,

// x-coordinate of starting position

    int Y,

// y-coordinate of starting position

    LPCTSTR lpString,

// address of string

    int nCount,

// number of characters in string

    int nTabPositions,

// number of tabs in array

    LPINT lpnTabStopPositions,

// address of array for tab positions 

    int nTabOrigin

// x-coordinate for tab expansion






Identifies the device context.


Specifies the x-coordinate of the starting point of the string, in logical units.


Specifies the y-coordinate of the starting point of the string, in logical units.


Points to the character string to draw. The string does not need to be zero-terminated, since nCount specifies the length of the string.


Specifies the number of characters in the string.


Specifies the number of values in the array of tab-stop positions.


Points to an array containing the tab-stop positions, in device units. The tab stops must be sorted in increasing order; the smallest x-value should be the first item in the array.

Windows 95: A tab stop can be specified as a negative value, which causes text to be right-aligned on the tab stop rather than left-aligned.


Specifies the x-coordinate of the starting position from which tabs are expanded, in logical units.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is the dimensions, in logical units, of the string. The height is in the high-order word and the width is in the low-order word.


If the nTabPositions parameter is zero and the lpnTabStopPositions parameter is NULL, tabs are expanded to eight times the average character width.

If nTabPositions is 1, the tab stops are separated by the distance specified by the first value in the lpnTabStopPositions array.

If the lpnTabStopPositions array contains more than one value, a tab stop is set for each value in the array, up to the number specified by nTabPositions.

The nTabOrigin parameter allows an application to call the TabbedTextOut function several times for a single line. If the application calls TabbedTextOut more than once with the nTabOrigin set to the same value each time, the function expands all tabs relative to the position specified by nTabOrigin.

By default, the current position is not used or updated by the TabbedTextOut function. If an application needs to update the current position when it calls TabbedTextOut, the application can call the SetTextAlign function with the wFlags parameter set to TA_UPDATECP. When this flag is set, Windows ignores the X and Y parameters on subsequent calls to the TabbedTextOut function, using the current position instead.

See Also

DrawText, GetTabbedTextExtent, GrayString, SetTextAlign, TextOut