SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime  1UDHMPU 

The SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function converts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to a specified time zone s corresponding local time.

BOOL SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(

    LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation,

// pointer to time zone of interest

    LPSYSTEMTIME lpUniversalTime,

// pointer to universal time of interest

    LPSYSTEMTIME lpLocalTime

// pointer to structure to receive local time






Pointer to a TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION2G089BL structure that specifies the time zone of interest.

If lpTimeZoneInformation is NULL, the function uses the currently active time zone.


Pointer to a SYSTEMTIME537FNX structure that specifies a UTC. The function converts this universal time to the specified time zone s corresponding local time.


Pointer to a SYSTEMTIME structure that receives the local time information.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, and the function sets the members of the SYSTEMTIME537FNX structure pointed to by lpLocalTime to the appropriate local time values.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError11C2VS7.


The SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function works in Windows NT. If called in Windows 95, the function fails, and returns FALSE.

See Also

GetSystemTime, GetTimeZoneInformation, SYSTEMTIME, TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION