Each STATPROPSTG structure contains information about a single property in a property set. This information is the property identifier and type tag, and the optional string name that may be associated with the property.

IPropertyStorage::Enum58LM_MH supplies a pointer to the IEnumSTATPROPSTG3BBUC3P interface on an enumerator object that can be used to enumerate through the STATPROPSTG structures for the properties in the current property set. STATPROPSTG is defined as follows:

typedef struct    tagSTATPROPSTG { 

    LPWSTR        lpwstrName;

    PROPID        propid;

    VARTYPE       vt;





Wide-character string containing the optional string name that can be associated with the property. May be NULL. This member must be freed using CoTaskMemFree10DHDVF.


A 32-bit identifier that uniquely identifies the property within the property set. All properties within property sets must have unique property identifiers.


Type of the property.


See Also

IPropertyStorage::Enum, IEnumSTATPROPSTG