[New - Windows NT]

The SPFILENOTIFY_QUEUESCAN notification is sent to a callback routine by SetupScanFileQueue4E_7YX for each node in the copy subqueue of the file queue. This only occurs if the SetupScanFileQueue function was called specifiying the flag SPQ_SCAN_USE_CALLBACK.


    Param1 = (UINT) TargetPath;

    Param2 = (UINT) DelayFlag;




Specifies a null-terminated string that specifies the target path information for the file queued in the current node.


If the file in the current node of the queue is in use, Param2 takes the value SPQ_DELAYED_COPY. If the file is not in use, the value is zero.


Return Values

The callback routine should return a Win32 error code.

If the callback routine returns NO_ERROR, the queue scan continues.  If the routine returns any other Win32 error code, the queue scan aborts and SetupScanFileQueue4E_7YX returns FALSE.


Note  This notification is not handled by the SetupDefaultQueueCallback function.


See Also
