RpcServerRegisterIf  00_5TE

The RpcServerRegisterIf function registers an interface with the RPC run-time library.

This function is supported by both 32-bit platforms   Windows NT and Windows 95.

#include <rpc.h>


    RPC_IF_HANDLE  IfSpec,


    UUID *  MgrTypeUuid,


    RPC_MGR_EPV *  MgrEpv







Specifies a MIDL-generated data structure indicating the interface to register.


Points to a type UUID to associate with the MgrEpv argument. Specifying a null argument value (or a nil UUID) registers IfSpec with a nil type UUID.


Specifies the manager routines  entry-point vector (EPV). To use the MIDL-generated default EPV, specify a null value.



A server can register an unlimited number of interfaces with the RPC run-time library. Registration makes an interface available to clients using a binding handle to the server.

To register an interface, the server application code calls the RpcServerRegisterIf routine. For each implementation of an interface offered by a server, it must register a separate manager EPV.

To register an interface, the server provides the following information:

    Interface specification

The interface specification is a data structure that the MIDL compiler generates. The server specifies the interface using the IfSpec argument.

    Manager type UUID and manager EPV

The manager type UUID and the manager EPV determine which manager routine executes when a server receives a remote procedure call request from a client.

The server specifies the manager type UUID and EPV using the MgrTypeUuid and MgrEpv arguments. Note that when specifying a non-nil manager type UUID, the server must also call the RpcObjectSetType routine to register objects of this non-nil type.


If your server application needs to register an auto-listen interface or use a callback function for authentication purposes, use RpcServerRegisterIfEx4OXZOUE.

See Also

Registering the Interface, RpcBindingFromStringBinding, RpcBindingSetObject, RpcNsBindingExport, RpcNsBindingImportBegin, RpcNsBindingLookupBegin, RpcObjectSetType, RpcServerUnregisterIf