Replacing Text

{bmc bm4.MRB}        To find and replace text

  1.  From the Edit menu, choose Replace. The Replace dialog box appears.

  2.  In the Find What box, type the search text or regular expression, or choose from the 16 previous instances of text searched for, which are listed in the drop-down box.

  3.  In the Replace With box, type the replacement text, or choose from the 16 previous instances of text searched for, which are listed in the drop-down box.

  4.  Set any change options you need. These options are the same as those in the Find dialog box (see the previous section,  Finding Text ).

  5.  Choose OK.


For information on default search strings, see the previous section,  Finding Text. 

{bmc bm4.MRB}        To repeat the last search or search and replace

    Choose Find Next in the abbreviated Find or Replace dialog box. The abbreviated dialog box remains active until the search reaches the starting location (after wrapping) or until you choose Cancel.