
The RemovePreprocessInfo function prototype defines a function that removes from a message preprocessed information written by a function based on the PreprocessMessage1OGBDB_ function prototype.

Quick Info

Header file:


Defined function implemented by:

Transport providers

Defined function called by:

MAPI spooler


HRESULT RemovePreprocessInfo(

    LPMESSAGE lpMessage







[in] Pointer to the preprocessed message from which information is to be removed.



The MAPI spooler calls a RemovePreprocessInfo function. A transport provider registers the function based on RemovePreprocessInfo at the same time it registers the parallel function based on PreprocessMessage in a call to the IMAPISupport::RegisterPreprocessor3EQ._.U method.

An image rendering suitable for fax transmission is an example of preprocessed information written by a function defined by the PreprocessMessage1OGBDB_ function prototype. The MAPI spooler usually calls a RemovePreprocessInfo function after sending a message containing preprocessed information.