ReadFmtUserTypeStg  1Y9VBQM

Returns the clipboard format and user type previously saved with the WriteFmtUserTypeStg27Q7WEO function.

WINOLEAPI ReadFmtUserTypeStg(

    IStorage * pStg,

//Pointer to storage object holding the values

    CLIPFORMAT * pcf,

//Pointer to return the clipboard format

    LPWSTR * lplpszUserType

//Indirect pointer to return the user type string






[in] Pointer to the IStorage interface on the storage object from which the information is to be read.


[out] Pointer to where the clipboard format is to be written on return. It can be NULL, indicating the format is of no interest to the caller.


[out] Indirect pointer to where the user type string is to be returned. It can be NULL, indicating that the user type is of no interest to the caller. This method allocates memory for the string. The caller is responsible for freeing the memory with CoTaskMemFree.


Return Values

This function supports the standard return values E_FAIL, E_INVALIDARG, and E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following:


The requested information was read successfully.


This function also returns any of the error values returned by the IStream::Read4QE_N8 method.


This function returns the clipboard format and the user type string from the specified storage object. The WriteClassStgEVYOC. function must have been called before calling the ReadFmtUserTypeStg function.

See Also

CoTaskMemFree, WriteFmtUserTypeStg