RasGetSubEntryHandle  JIMNE4 

[New - Windows NT]

The RasGetSubEntryHandle function retrieves a connection handle for a specified subentry of a multilink connection.

DWORD RasGetSubEntryHandle(

    HRASCONN hrasconn,


    DWORD dwSubEntry,


    LPHRASCONN lphrasconn







Specifies an HRASCONN connection handle returned by the RasDial function for a multilink phone-book entry.


Specifies a valid subentry index for the phone-book entry.


Pointer to an HRASCONN variable that receives a connection handle that represents the subentry connection.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is zero.

If the function fails, the return value can be one of the following error codes.




The hrasconn connection handle does not represent a connected phone-book entry.


The hrasconn and dwSubEntry parameters are valid, but the specified subentry is not connected.


The value specified by dwSubEntry exceeds the maximum number of subentries for the phone-book entry.



The connection handle specified in the hrasconn parameter refers to the entire multilink connection, but the connection handle returned in the *lphrasconn parameter refers only to the subentry connection. You can use the subentry connection handle in any function that accepts an hrasconn parameter, including the RasHangUp, RasGetConnectStatus, and RasGetProjectionInfo functions. The projection information returned by RasGetProjectionInfo for a multilink entry is the same for the each of the subentry connection handles as it is for the main connection handle.

See Also

RasDial, RasGetConnectStatus, RasGetProjectionInfo, RasHangUp