[New - Windows NT]

The RASPBDLG structure is used with the RasPhonebookDlg5JVD_GZ function to specify additional input and output parameters.

typedef struct tagRASPBDLG { 

    IN  DWORD         dwSize;

    IN  HWND          hwndOwner;

    IN  DWORD         dwFlags;

    IN  LONG          xDlg;

    IN  LONG          yDlg;

    IN  DWORD         dwCallbackId;

    IN  RASPBDLGFUNC  pCallback;

    OUT DWORD         dwError;

    IN  DWORD         reserved;

    IN  DWORD         reserved2;





Specifies the size of this structure, in bytes. Before calling RasPhonebookDlg5JVD_GZ, set this member to sizeof(RASPBDLG) to indicate the version of the structure. If dwSize is not a valid size, RasPhonebookDlg fails and sets the dwError member to ERROR_INVALID_SIZE.


Identifies the window that owns the modal RasPhonebookDlg dialog box. This member can be any valid window handle, or it can be NULL if the dialog box has no owner.


A set of bit flags that indicate the options enabled for the dialog box. This parameter can be a combination of the following values.




Causes RasPhonebookDlg5JVD_GZ to use the values specified by the xDlg and yDlg members to position the dialog box. If this flag is not set, the dialog box is centered on the owner window, unless hwndOwner is NULL, in which case, the dialog box is centered on the screen.


Turns on the close-on-dial option, overriding the user s preference. This option is appropriate with features such as RAS AutoDial where the user s goal is to make a connection immediately.


Causes the RasPBDlgFuncRIGKE6 callback function specified by the pCallback member to receive a RASPBDEVENT_NoUser notification when the dialog box is starting up. This flag is for use in situations in which there is no logged-on user, as in the WinLogon application. Typically, applications should not use this flag.


Causes the default window position to be saved on exit. This flag is used primarily by RASPHONE.EXE and should not be used by typical applications.



Specifies the horizontal screen coordinate of the upper-left corner of the dialog box. This value is used only if the RASPBDFLAG_PositionDlg flag is set.


Specifies the vertical screen coordinate of the upper-left corner of the dialog box. This value is used only if the RASPBDFLAG_PositionDlg flag is set.


Specifies an application-defined value that is passed to the callback function specified by pCallback. You can use dwCallbackId to pass a pointer to application-specific context information.


Pointer to a RasPBDlgFuncRIGKE6 callback function that receives notifications of user activity while the dialog box is open. This member can be NULL if you do not want notifications.


The RasPhonebookDlg5JVD_GZ function sets this member to a system error code or RAS error code if an error occurs. If no error occurs, the function sets dwError to zero. This value is ignored on input.


Reserved; must be zero.


Reserved; must be zero.


See Also

RasPBDlgFunc, RasPhonebookDlg