The PSM_ISDIALOGMESSAGE message passes a message to a property sheet dialog box and indicates whether the dialog processed the message. You can send the PSM_ISDIALOGMESSAGE message explicitly or by using the PropSheet_IsDialogMessage.RF1.H macro.


wParam = 0;

lParam = (LPARAM)pMsg;




Pointer to a MSG5CTEF1 structure that contains the message to be checked.


Return Values

If the message has been processed, the return value is TRUE.

If the message has not been processed, the return value is FALSE.


Your message loop should use the PSM_ISDIALOGMESSAGE message with modeless property sheets to pass messages to the property sheet dialog box.

If the return value indicates that the message was processed, it must not be passed to the TranslateMessage or DispatchMessage function.

See Also

DispatchMessage, MSG, PropertySheet, PropSheet_IsDialogMessage, TranslateMessage