Sent at the termination of pen input to all windows specified by the htrgTarget member of the TARGET1AOCY_ structure that have received a PE_BEGINDATA message. Submessage of WM_PENEVENT.





Address of a TARGET structure.


A target can inform the recognizer that pen input has ended and process the HRC in response to this message. If this message is allowed to fall through to the DefWindowProc32D1NBH function, default result processing is done if the value in the dwData member of the TARGET structure is of type HRC. EndPenInput is called followed by a call to ProcessHRC1AOD17. Then the PE_RESULT submessage is sent to the target to allow the target to get results and process them.

If the dwData member of the TARGET1AOCY_ structure has the HPENDATA or HRC type, the object is destroyed by DefWindowProc on completion of results processing.

See Also